Uploading Mods to Steam Workshop

In this guide, y'all will learn how to upload your mod to the Steam Workshop.

Before you start:

• please have a look at the Pre-Upload-Checklist!

• in example there are any log errors, we highly recommend fix the errors before uploading!

• If you are facing difficulties while fixing the errors, feel free to reach out to our modding community on the official WRS discord server in the #modding chat!

Preparing the upload

First, create a new folder named workspace within the directory Documents/MyGames/WinterResortSimulator_Season2.

Now, create a new binder in the directory Documents/MyGames/WinterResortSimulator_Season2/workspace named with yourmodname.

Please create one folder for each Steam Workshop item!

After that, launch Wintertime Resort Simulator in one case. Upon launching, the game will create a file named WorkshopItem.lua in your new directory. Nosotros need that file to proceed. Equally shortly every bit you've arrived in the main menu, yous can close the game over again.


Switch back to Windows Explorer. As you can see, the game has created a file named WorkshopItem.lua inside your directory.

Adjacent, open the WorkshopItem.lua using a suitable application (e.g. Visual Studio Lawmaking or Notepad++). Change the name to the desired name of your Steam Workshop particular (e'er edit the text between the double quotes ( " ). This name volition be visible for all players in the Steam Workshop.

Also, delight add a description to clarification (once again in between of the double quotes).
Later on, if you are updating an existing modernistic, yous tin can add a description of your changes to changenotes (i more time, between the double quotes).

This could expect as depicted below:

It is recommended to add together some tags to your mod and so that players tin easily find it. If y'all don't specify any tags, the mod will be listed as Untagged. Yous tin can choose one tag from each category (but you lot don't have to).

Category: Type

  • Vehicle

  • Ropeway

  • Map

  • Object

  • Script

  • Mod-Pack

  • Other Mods

  • Untagged

Category: Vehicles

  • Snowcat

  • Snowmobile

  • Snow Cannon

  • Other Vehicles

Category: Ropeways

  • Chairlift

  • Gondola

  • Aerial Tramway

  • Surface Lift

  • Other Ropeways

Visibility in Steam Workshop

isVisible = 0, means hidden, the mod is only visible for y'all

isVisible = 1, is public, your modern is visible for everyone

isVisible = 2, the modernistic is visible for your friends only

Notation: You tin can also format your modernistic clarification: Text Formatting in Steam

Here is an case for workshopitem.lua:

Adding a Workshop preview image

Every modernistic has to have a preview image named WorkshopPreview.png within its directory.

The image must be named WorkshopPreview.png, and it has to be a .png file.
We recommend using a resolution of 640×360. The aspect ratio should always be xvi:9.
In case y'all are using a higher resolution, information technology can happen that the Steam upload fails with the error bulletin Limit exceeded. In this instance, please calibration the preview image down to 640×360.

Adding the bodily mod

Upward to now, we accept but specified how your mod volition look like inside the Steam Workshop. All the same, nosotros have non yet added any mod files to the directory.

Therefore, delight copy the .unity3d file of your mod into your directory. (BTW: You lot tin can also add multiple files to ane Steam Workshop item.)

In-game Uploading

Adjacent, please launch the game again and go to Mod Upload.

You should already be able to meet your preview picture.

Earlier uploading, you need to accept the Steam Workshop legal agreement.

Finally, printing Upload to Workshop!\\Please bank check your mod name, description, tags and visibility one more fourth dimension before uploading.

Your mod will now be uploaded to the Steam Workshop!
In case you face any error messages while uploading, please inquire on our Community Discord server.

Congratulations, you lot accept successfully shared your mod with the community! It can now be downloaded past all players.